Friday, December 29, 2006

The Demonstrations Project: A Call for Mathematicians

The title
of this project is taken from Leonardo da Vinci's term dimostrazione, which he used for the kind of graphic drawings he was making in Milan between 1490 and 1495 to accompany his writings. It was during this period that Leonardo emerged as the great writer of treatises wherein we find the precursor of modern scientific illustration.

The main objective of this project is to bring the theorems of research mathematicians to the general public by way of artistic illustrations executed in the spirit of Leonardo’s original demonstrations.

Requirements: I would like to know about your favorite theorems either elementary or from your research. I will ask you to submit a short note stating the theorem, how you use it, and a sketch, if possible, of how you visualize it. From this information I’ll make a drawing, which I will send to you (as a jpeg of less than 1MB) for comments. After which I will rework the drawing or create a new one. After several such iterations, you and I will have collaborated on the production of a unique piece of mathematical art, which will be entitled with your name and the name of the theorem presented. These works will be exhibited in downtown Seattle in May 2007. Each collaboration may take some time as I have to create the artwork, but the time requirement for you would just be a few emails over several weeks.

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